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Writer's pictureAdriana Arteaga

Social Media Tips For The Holiday Season

The holiday season has officially started! This is such an exciting part of the year, not only because of the upcoming festivities, the time we spend with our families but also, especially if you are a business owner, this is a huge opportunity for you to engage with your community.

But what do customers expect from businesses during this time of the year? Well, customers are all about doing their research when buying Christmas gifts for their loved ones. That is why it is important for you to promote your products, come up with guides that make your products easier to be found, and take part in any collaborations or giveaways that you have been delaying for the entire year.

Today I am going to share with you some tips that will allow you to prepare and be ready for customers to find whatever they are looking for during this busy holiday season. The key to making this work is that you keep in mind that your top priority is your audience and making sure that you are offering them something unique to take with them during the holiday season. This includes things such as accessibility when browsing your website/blog/Instagram, reliability when it comes to delivery/promptness to respond, and communication between you and your audience.

1. Get Your Content Calendar Up To Date

Updating your content calendar is extremely important, especially during this busy time. You should be able to visualize your priorities for the month and some secondary details. Having an organized content calendar will allow you to keep your goals in mind, accomplish your tasks, and communicate more effectively with your team.

2. Collaborate with brands + take part in giveaways

The holiday season is an exciting time for you to collaborate with brands, this not only gives you exposure in your community and the brand's audience, but it also allows you to offer something new and fun that your audience will love during this time. You can also put together a giveaway specifically from your brand, this is a great way of showing your appreciation towards your audience and getting them engaged at the same time. We have a blog post on how to collaborate with brands.

3. Create a Holiday Gift Guide

A holiday gift guide is an excellent idea for you to give your product/business the exposure that it needs during this season. You could always partner with bloggers and influencers so they can add your product to their list. This is a great idea because customers love it when someone shares a product that they have already tried themselves. This opens the door to a new audience and it creates engagement and exposure.

4. Come up with creative content for your own social media channel

If you haven't tried the new Reels feature that Instagram offers this is the perfect time to do so! You can do short clips where you show your customer's favorite products of the year, your recommendations, and some other categories. You can also try the "Guides" feature that Instagram has to talk more in-depth about some products.

5. Gift idea website page

This last one is a perfect idea to incorporate on your website. You should add a page to your website that talks about "best sellers" or "recommended gift ideas." This will boost the traffic to your website and redirect customers to the place they are looking for: holiday gift guides. Customers are doing research, but they also appreciate those websites that make it easier for them to browse the website.

Did I miss something? Let me know in the comments!

Check out our two latest blog posts where we talk about Content Creation Tips and Why Your Online Aesthetic Matters.

Don't forget to check out our current holiday contest! Check out our current opportunities and connect with us through our Instagram account.

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