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Writer's pictureLindsay Dent

#HaveYouMetHerYet? - Natalie McLeod

Natalie McLeod is a Graphic Designer based out of Toronto, Ontario.

1. What is your story? What do you do and how did you get to where you are today in your career?

I’m a graphic designer based in Toronto and I currently work at Loblaw Digital. I started my career right out of OCAD University where I graduated with a Bachelor of Design. My main focus was editorial design and I always knew I wanted to work for a magazine.

I started my career at Flare Magazine where I designed print pages, as well as the digital issues for tablet and mobile. After working in the magazine industry at Flare and Toronto Life, I wanted to work for a brand, which lead me to Holt Renfrew. I guess you could say I have a thing for fashion and beauty.

After a while at Holts, I realized I missed creating content for digital spaces so I entered the world of ecommerce at Loblaw Digital where I now create online experiences for our customers at

Throughout my journey, I’ve loved all my jobs, learned so many things (and still learning), plus have met amazing people along the way.

2. What is the biggest lesson life has taught you?

That life is short and we should live our life to the fullest. It’s important to surround your life with people who want the best for you and support you in everything you do!

3. What sentence can you say that makes total sense now but would seem insane in high school?

Everything will work out. Trust me. When you’re younger, you think everything is the end of the world. Now that I’m older I think about all the things I stressed about and I just laugh. Things will work out.

4. What is one piece of valuable advice you would give someone who wants to get into your field?

Stay curious and challenge yourself. I think the role of a graphic designer is always changing and we wear many hats so it’s important to stay curious and have a willingness to learn. It’s also important to have fun and enjoy what you do so find what you’re really passionate about and go do it!

5. What are your strategies on avoiding burnouts?

I think self-care is really important. I like to take time for myself whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed. A good bath with epsom salts is a great way to decompress after a long day.

6. Name three things someone has told you are good at or what they admire you for.

I always look on the bright side of things; have a great attitude, and a keen eye for detail.

7. How do you keep motivated?

Like mentioned before being curious, and always willing to learn something new. I also think working on personal projects is important – it keeps the creative juices flowing.

8. One quote you live by - personal quote or borrowed

I feel like I have so many! One I have tattooed on me is “this too shall pass” on my right arm, which means a lot to me because my mom says it all the time. It’s a nice little reminder to have and to know that hard times will pass.

9. Name one thing that you WILL make happen this year?

TRAVEL more. I went to Tulum back in March and I felt so refreshed and inspired coming back to the city.

Connect with Natalie


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