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Writer's pictureLindsay Dent

Business Owner Spotlight – Chelsea from Project You

1. Introduce yourself! Who are you & what do you do?

My name is Chelsea Burwash and I am the owner of an all Women’s networking and empowerment group called Project YOU. Our mission is to bring women together and dive deeper into topics surrounding our four main values: SOUL, VOICE, PERCEPTION and PASSION. I am a mom to a beautiful 7 year old named Alyssa and married to my junior high sweetheart Chris.

2. How did you get to this point in your business journey?

When I had my daughter, I was a stay at home mom and absolutely loved it. As she grew up, as kids do, I started to feel the need to pursue something more outside the household that was just for me. When my daughter started Kindergarten I started a designer Consigment business called West Coast Chic. I went from 0-100 really quickly and threw myself into the business. I started attending networking events and meeting so many incredible women that inspired me and who were so supportive. After a few years running the consignment business, I felt like I needed more. I was craving a career where I felt like I was making a positive impact on the people around me. My business didn’t feel fulfilling anymore and I started to pray for a sign on what to do next. I took my Yoga Teacher training more for some soul searching and connecting with my purpose than actually teaching yoga. Right before my training ended, the opportunity to take over the reins at Project YOU came about. It scared the shit out of me so of course I said YES! I didn’t have any experience in running events and talking in front of crowds of women was terrifying. In the past year since I have taken it over, I have thrown 11 successful events where I have the opportunity to give back and create something really special. I wake up excited knowing that I am doing something that I am passionate about and that forces me to level up in every way possible.

3. Do you have a morning routine? If so – take us through it!

I actually think morning routines are so important. They set the tone for your whole day and for me what that looks like is having a positive mindset. Full disclosure I have had a hard time getting back on track after the holidays but I am committed. Also, I am practicing being easier on myself if I’m not doing things perfectly. I learned from a Mastermind that I was a part of that it’s super beneficial to plan out your day the night before so there’s actually a planner that I use so I know what’s coming up.

My ideal morning routine looks like this:

Wake up at 6, drink a glass of water and get in a quick meditation. I recently found this amazing app called Think Up that records affirmations in your own voice on a loop. I put this on as I am getting ready for the da and it’s super effective. I make my daugheter’s lunch and head to the gym to get my body moving. I come home, finish getting her ready and take her to school and then I am ready to tackle my work tasks for the day.

4. What’s one thing you cannot function without?

I would say exercise. If I don’t move my body, I get super anxious and feel I just don’t have the same energy and focus. It has become such an important part of my life and just helps me cope better with whatever is thrown at me.

5. What is the most rewarding part of what you do?

For me, I love hearing that women were impacted by an event. Getting out of my shell and forcing myself to go to Networking events hasn’t been easy but I have gotten so much out of it. I love that we have created a safe space for women to come together, to connect and to talk about things that we are struggle with.

6. What do you see as the most important quality for someone who wants to be successful in business to adopt?

To always support other businesses and make time to help other people who are starting out that could really benefit from your experiences. I feel like the more relationships you build, the more support you will see in your own business. The more you care, the more other people will care about you and want to help promote you.

7. What are some of the strategies you’ve used on your road to success?

Always trust your gut and stay true to your personal values. Ask for help when you need it.

8. For someone who is just starting out in business – what resources would you suggest for them?

I would tell them to start attending networking events and to put yourself out there. Find people who you admire who have already achieved success and ask them to meet you for coffee. Pick their brains. I really believe in mentorship and business coaches. Make sure you do your research so you find the right one for you. Coaches can be expensive but having the feeling of being supported and guided on what steps to take next is invaluable.

9. How do you achieve work/life balance?

Is there such a thing? Haha I always hear from Meagan (the founder of Project YOU and someone I really look up to) to just stay in action. Staying organized and having a plan on what it is you’re trying to achieve and then breaking it down into smaller actionable steps is super effective for me.

10. What is one lesson you’ve learned in this process?

Be brave and believe in yourself. You are so much more capable then you think.

11. If you could give a young woman starting out in business one piece of advice – what would it be?

Just go for it! You have to power to create any life you want so dream big and make it happen.

12. What’s next for you and where can we follow along/learn more about you?

We have some exciting things coming up this year that I can’t reveal quite yet. Stay tuned! You can follow us on IG @iamprojectyou or on facebook Project You. We will continue to throw amazing events and partner with local organizations and charities this year and would love to see you all there.


USE PROMOCODE: 'LINDSAY20' at check out for 20% off tickets!

They have teamed up with myMomentum to bring you an interactive wellness workshop and panel. We’ve gathered some of our favourite leaders to cover each area of wellness.

Meet their all-star roster:

(Mama, Co-owner of Spin Society, Co-owner of Hustle, Master Trainer at Lagree West)

(Holistic nutritionist, Fitness coach, Community manager at Almost 30 Podcast)

(Founder and CEO of Mala Collective, International Meditation teacher)

Be inspired. Get ready to TAKE ACTION. We will start off with a one-of-a-kind panel chat to learn about their individual journeys, how they maintain balance in their busy lives, their favourite wellness tips.

Hear from them and through guided questions, we’ll work through your action plan so YOU can build momentum for your mind, body, soul in 2020.

SNACKS & SIPS: We've got healthy snacks and sips from Feed Me Fit, Kyth + Kyn, Cook with Annie & Bucha Brew to refuel you for the night, plus awesome local vendors to visit.

SWAG BAG: Go home with an amazing swag bag with goodies from Herbaland, Pep Soap, Nena Skincare, Drink Flight Fud, Truffle Pig, Yumi Organics, Well Told Co, Organika, Sproos Life, Krystal Fit, Plantiful & Whole Foods. Total value of swag bag is over $78!

ULTIMATE DOOR PRIZE: One lucky winner will get a basket full of wellness essentials worth over $1600 including fitness studio classes, healthy snacks, beauty products, gear and more!

Event sponsored by: Daub & Design

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