Reflecting on this business year this past week has been quite wild.
🎢The rollercoaster ride I’ve been on from beginning to end has kept me at times terrified and flying out of my seat, screaming with laughter and joy...hands up...then feeling sick to my stomach wanting to get off.
Never could I have ever imagined I would be ending this crazy year on a positive note in my business and that I would be able to look back and say this year was one filled with so much growth, reflection, clarity and hope.
There were a lot of things I experienced as a business owner that rocked me to my core, made me second guess my choices, my value, my entire being.
A lot of my goals came true such as launching my podcast @haveyoumetheryetpodcast, hiring a team (I work with 5 incredibly talented, inspiring and creative women! Pinch me 🙈) launching my business directory and aligning myself with strategic partners and business owners who appreciate and celebrate my value and voice.
As I wind down this last work week of the year (I will be taking the next two weeks off to reflect, plan and decompress from this year) I want to as always, thank all of the incredible cheerleaders, shoulders, and soundboards who have supported, encouraged, gave advice to, believed in, and stuck with me and my business this year. It truly means the world.
Every like, comment, share, listen, review, referral, purchase, text message, call, partnership, client means so much to me. It may be little to you, but it is HUGE for a small business owner like me.
The community I am involved in and have created within @pinkcrowncreative @pinkcrowncollective @haveyoumetheryetpodcast truly makes my heart so full and I am so grateful to still be able to end this year still excited about the future of my business and the wonderful people who have been there from the beginning who will continue to be the first ones I turn to as I continue to climb this mountain. I will never forget you, I promise.
Even though this year is not like the rest, I hope whoever you are reading this, that you can find some time this holiday season to rest, reflect, and take care of YOU. Wishing you nothing but creativity & love 💕