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Writer's pictureLindsay Dent

Why You Should Invest in a Conference for your Business

Updated: Nov 8, 2019

Fall is here and conference season is upon us! Vancouver is filled with many exciting conferences coming to our city, more specifically this weekend, Vancouver will be host to Rise Women’s Conference which is filled with a well curated lineup of thought leaders, game-changers, and motivational keynotes that is sure to inspire the women of Vancouver to RISE up and reach for more! Check out thee incredible list of influential speakers here.


Have you been thinking of investing in a conference, like Rise, but are unsure if you can justify the cost? I hear you, and I am here to tell you that I too have questioned investments in myself and my business in the past. When considering committing myself to a conference, I try to take it upon myself  to be open and unintimidated with the investment of  conferences if it checks off these goals I have when attending such an event.

Some questions I ask myself are: 

  • Will I leave feeling motivated and full of creativity?

  • Will I feel fulfilled my need to stay up to date and current in my industry?

  • Will I feel inspired by thought leaders and business owners who I look up to?

  • Will I feel like it fuelled my soul with intentional connections that not only feed desire to connect with like minded women but drove me to support and cheer on other women I interact with?

The answer is YES!

📷Photography: @jointherise_

What are some benefits to attending a Conference?

Network with your colleagues, peers and friends

Conferences are a great way to take yourself, your colleagues and friends out of the dry office setting and bring some life into your daily routine! Conferences are also a really fun way to reconnect with friends who you don’t get too see that often, and it forces you to have in-depth conversations that may fuel your creativity or make you feel more connected to your purpose.

Get out of your comfort zone

The digital world has really made us anti-social creatures. A lot of people have a hard time attending networking events or conferences as they fear social interaction. They are afraid to be stuck in a dreaded awkward conversation, and frankly don’t know what to do without having their phone as their security blanket if they attend one alone. This weekend, I dare you to take a chance and get out of your comfort zone! Be open to meeting new people, having a new experience and getting out of the comfort of hiding behind your screen. There is a world of incredible people out there waiting to spark your creativity.

Gain insight into an industry you are interested in, join through provoking conversations and be inspired by a new way of thinking

Learn from the pros. One huge benefit of attending a conference is getting the chance to learn from the best of the best. Conferences are a great way to continue your learning on a certain topic or subject. They also are great to open your mind to new and innovative ways of doing things in your industry and in your business.

Meet and practice your elevator pitch with a new community

Are you just starting your business or looking to brush up on your pitching skills? Attending conferences are a great way to practice your pitch and remind yourself exactly who your target market is, and why you do what you do. Sometimes people are intimidated when thinking of an elevator pitch, and dread sharing more about themselves as they don’t feel as confident sharing who they are and what they do. The more you practice your pitch, the more fluent and natural it will sound, as opposed to a scripted unconfident story.

Build your confidence

Being in a room full of powerful women is contagious! Don’t you ever just feel so inspired after hearing another woman’s story and feel like “HEY! I can do that too!”. Sometimes when we view other success stories online, we can’t help but compare, feel unworthy or even feel like a fraud. I notice, as soon as I go to an in person event where I get to hear directly from women in business who admire that their journeys started put just like mine. They have fears, doubts and failures too. It makes me realize, “Hey! They are human too! I can do this!

Be influenced by incredibly inspiring role models and bad ass women in business

Have you seen the line up of speakers at Rise yet?! It basically is all my #girlboss woman crushes all in one room. The best part? They are huge Canadian influencers and brands that have started from the bottom and are now killing it in huge international markets. I am extremely excited to learn about their stories, hear about their struggles but most importantly feel inspired and empowered to continue to do exactly what I am doing now. Growing my own business and living the life I have always dreamed of.

📷Photography: @jointherise_


RISE and thrive with Pink Crown Creative at the RISE Women's Conference coming to North Vancouver's beautiful Pipe Shop Venue this weekend, October 25th -27th.

The RISE is the leading voice for leaders creating a community that fosters networking with like-minded individuals, professional and personal growth and advances the connections of women whether you are a C-suite leader, entrepreneur, aspiring leader, home engineer, seeker, creative or dreamer...we see you, we hear you and we are rising with you.

The RISE experience is high energy, high impact and high vibe. We are not your basic business conference - we promise. This conference is designed for women who are seeking growth, inspiration and connection in their personal lives, businesses and careers.

Guests can expect two and a half action packed days featuring world-class speakers, mentor power-hours, influential panels, mindfulness activities, an interactive marketplace and networking with a community of highly achieving women who are on the RISE.

Pink Crown Creative is excited to be a media and phone charging sponsor, so make sure you stop by Pink Crown Creative’s "Powered by Creativity" booth to say hi and charge up your devices!

We are thrilled to give our community a special offer for 20% off tickets to the conference. Use promo code “PINKCROWN” at check out. Get your tickets here.


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