In this weeks episode, I speak with Anthea Austin, Founder & Strategic CFO of Clear Margin Consulting.
Anthea Austin is an entrepreneur, accountant, and founder of Clear Margin Consulting, a Vancouver-based accounting and bookkeeping firm. Anthea assists small business owners build successful, compliant, and profit-driven businesses.
We discuss:
How she helps small business owners organize their business finances and goals
How she deals with comparison and overwhelm as a woman in the workplace
Tips when it comes to dealing with tax season
How she helps her audience learn more about business and money on her podcast "Financial Conversations".
Host Lindsay Dent, Founder & CEO of Pink Crown Creative @_lindsaydent & @pinkcrowncreative Email lindsay@pinkcrowncreative.com for sponsor opportunities, guest appearances or collaborations. Guests Anthea Austin, Entrepreneur, Accountant and Founder of Clear Margin Consulting www.clearmarginconsulting.com Instagram: @clearmarginconsulting Podcast: Financial Conversations
Episode Resources We are listed as one of the Top 5 Canadian Women in Business Podcasts - read the full list here.
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