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Who is this for?

  • Those who are excited to start a business or that already have a business

  • Invested in social media or their online presence 

  • Moms or young adults 

  • Anyone who is keen in learning more about online presence such as developing a Instagram account, Tik Tok etc.


What will you learn?

  • How you build your buyers persona 

Worksheets and questionnaires on how to build a detailed profile for your ideal client. This will help you understand why it is important for you to visualize your ideal client, and to have in mind the content and purpose for which you are sharing your content. With this you will make sure you are creating content that aligns with the buyers you are trying to attract. 


  • How to build your marketing strategy and determine what your are able to invest

In this section you can expect to have a better idea of what you are able to invest for developing and strentgheting your online presence. With the worksheets and questionnaires you can identify your challenges and opportunities as well as ranking your opportunities by priority. 


  • Invest even without a budget 

Identify what other things you are able to invest such as the time you spend developing your skills and improving your strategies. 


  • Measuring your success

Understanding what success is, how it looks like and different ways you can measure it. This will give you an idea of how well your strategy is performing and leave space to identify potential areas of improvement.


  • How to identify your target audience 

Understanding why identifying your target audience is extremely important and providing guiding questions to determine that. This encourages people to buy the guide because this is one of the most important elements whenever you are trying to build your online presence, being able to identify. Building your ideal client with guiding questions and worksheets. This is extremely helpful because when writing down the answers to those questions really helps people think about their audience. 


  • How to market lead magnets 

Understanding why lead magnets are important, defining them and providing a guide about some examples that can be used as lead magnets. 


  • How to create engaging content 

Real life examples of the type of engaging content you can create + lead magnets that you can offer your audience to keep them interested. Creating engaging content can be challenging, with these ideas they can get a better idea and with the worksheets they can write down those ideas as well. This is valuable because there are many instances were people don’t know about some ideas so taking a look at that can really help.


Digital Marketing Campaigns 101

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